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Experts from spay and neuter clinic in Austin have a definitive answer here. 

What is Spaying or Neutering? 

Both the terms refer to a surgery which sterilizes the pet animal. In such surgeries, the professional vet at the spay-neuter clinic removes the reproductive organs from the animal to render them incapable of sexual reproduction. Castration refers to the removal of testicles from male dogs. Spaying or ovariohysterectomy refers to the removal of ovaries and uterus from the female dog.

Why should one consider getting their pet to undergo Spaying or Neutering?

After the surgical procedure at the spay-neuter clinic, the pets can’t produce litters. It leads to desired behavioral changes which prevent roaming, fighting, territorial marking, and mounting on visitor’s legs. This procedure makes your pet-friendly and warm natured as they get rid of aggressive behaviors. Spay and neuter clinic in Austin suggests that such surgeries prevent aggressive behavior, fight injuries, vaginal discharges, and uterine infections. After the surgery, male dogs reduce their chances of developing testicular cancer. In females, it cuts down the chances of breast cancer. The life expectancy of sterilized dogs is also better by 12-18 months as per the recent studies. If you are considering to sterilize your dog, do visit us at our Spay neuter clinic.

Expected Behavioural Changes

A pet owner should always know that the spayed and neutered dog have the same levels of affection, concern and the capability to get trained as intact dogs. Experts at spay and neuter clinic in Austin, suggest that sterilized dogs are better learners as they do not get deviated due to sexual desires. Once they are sterilized, the appetite is lowered and the pet owner should adjust to the new amount and frequency of meals demanded. There are no significant behavioral changes the pet will show and the owner need not be concerned. There’s no effect on their playful and protective nature and they continue to be affable and loyal.   

What is the best age for Spaying or Neutering?

Adult dogs can undergo the sterilization procedure at any age. However, in the case of new-born pups, the best time to get them spayed or neutered is before they attain sexual maturity. For many years, the recommended age for spaying or neutering was considered to be between 6 to 9 months. At this age, the dog can undergo the procedure with ease and prevent future pain. In the present era, the number has come down and many have opted for surgery when their pet is just 4 months old. In special cases, when the dog is expected to perform certain task, one should always consult experts at the spay-neuter clinic for the best time. In many cases, it has been observed that the delay in sterilization procedure by 2-3 months can allow the pup to develop into a much stronger dog, which can help in future performance-oriented tasks.   

It is recommended by the American Veterinary Medical Association that the shelter pets be sterilized before they are 4 months old. One should minimize the pet’s activity after the surgical procedure and keep them inside for faster recovery.  

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